Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lorem Ipsum - Das ist ein Test

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce viverra volutpat venenatis. Maecenas sem nibh, scelerisque ac congue eget, volutpat id lectus. Nunc elit metus, tempus ac semper id, imperdiet et augue. In sed eros non neque dignissim ullamcorper. Nam et adipiscing risus. Nullam odio sem, porta et accumsan eu, condimentum non sapien. Ut quis felis sed nibh tempor convallis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc nec sapien mi, sed porta purus. Vestibulum suscipit consequat ligula, ac gravida enim auctor eget.

Phasellus rhoncus hendrerit tempus. Vestibulum dignissim iaculis commodo. Phasellus a nisi odio. Quisque sit amet risus tortor, hendrerit iaculis tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In malesuada pellentesque leo eget posuere. Morbi sit amet urna justo, at blandit mauris. Nullam lobortis pharetra suscipit. Aliquam eget nisi in ante condimentum volutpat. Praesent dapibus elit a est pharetra eu rhoncus quam ultricies. Donec mollis libero a risus auctor in dapibus erat vestibulum. Aliquam gravida interdum metus, at scelerisque turpis eleifend vitae.

Friday, November 13, 2009

This is a test post #1

I can see you're thinking baby
I've been thinking too
about the way we used to be
and how to start a new
Maybe I'm a hopeless dreamer
maybe I've got it wrong
but i'm going where the grass
is green if you like to come along
Back when i was starting out
I always wanted more
but every time I got it
I still felt just like before
Fortune is a fickle friend
I'm tired of chasing fate
and when I look into your eyes
I know you feel the same
All these years of living large
are starting to do a sin
I wont say it wasn't fun
but now it has to end